"And then ahhh, one push and he was out.
Our bundle of love wrapped in his own little sack.
I pulled him up and pulled the cord from around his neck and gently tore the sack off his face at the same time.
He was purple and still asleep!
He was amazing.
So calm and just perfect. "
MAMA: Demi Miliona @ourownlittlebubble
Photographer @tonikara.photography

I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes very early in Tama’s pregnancy and was given one week to monitor my bloods and alter my diet.
Well at 15 weeks I was advised by several medical professionals to start insulin treatment - Which would consist of daily insulin injections & monitoring of blood sugars 3 times a day for the rest of my pregnancy.
And with that, I was told I’d be induced at 37 weeks in Bunbury Hospital to make sure baby didn’t grow too big (A lot of other things were said, I.E still birth).
Well! I refused to follow that advice and was determined not to be induced again, like my previous two pregnancies, I followed my gut and did my own research.
We found our own beautiful private midwife and with that found a huge amount of support, love and trust.
I ended up controlling my sugars with food.
Zero medication!
And it was almost effortless!
I always knew and trusted that my little man was happy and healthy.
I knew that he’d be birthed perfectly and whenever he was ready.
12:30am Sunday 14th March,
I woke up to use the toilet and woke Jason up as he was asleep on the couch, I told him to go to bed and get some sleep. I couldn’t poop, so I went back to bed.
Woke up 30 minutes later to strong cramps, I didn’t think they were super intense.
I was kinda just moaning through them.
When they started to get a bit stronger I did get up and try to go to the toilet again and then suddenly they became really intense.
I looked at my phone and it was 1:36am.
Jason was fast asleep, so I quickly told him I was going to have a shower.
The contractions were 1 minute apart lasting 1 minute.
I was becoming very vocal at this point and humming very loudly with every contraction.
This then woke up Jason.
*At this point Jason called our midwife, who said to wait a little longer & Jason also sent through a video. Keep in mind she was just pulling into her driveway after delivering another baby hours before.*
I showered for a good half an hour.
The hot water felt absolutely incredible.
Jason began filling the pool as I got out of the shower and into the lounge room.
I tried kneeling down and resting against the couch but the pain was so bad that I couldn’t sit still. I tried humming and breathing through the contractions, but all I could do was yell and swear.
Eventually the pool was filled and I got in.
The feeling was amazing.
*At this point Jason called our midwife again and she was getting ready to come over*
The warmth of the water was soo comforting but the contractions were soo much more intense.
“I don’t want to do this anymore!!” I said soo many times.
“I can’t do this!!”
“What the fuckkk?!! Why do they hurt so much?!”
I remember Jason telling me I didn’t have to do it and it actually made me feel so relieved... although I still had to do it. 😂
I think I had two or three surges in the pool and then I had a break of about 2 minutes which was the best feeling ever.
I remember resting on the side of the pool and Jason resting in front of me and just touching me.
We were in a beautiful moment filled with serotonin.
That was bliss.
I then had a contraction and felt the urge to feel down there, I then had a huge urge to just release, which I actually thought was my bowels but I then realised it wasn’t.
I then knew that he was on his way and I told Jason he was coming!
*At the point, I found out later, Jason ran outside to grab two pegs and some scissors to cut his cord* 😂😂
I pushed and felt his head pop out.
I put my hand on his head and felt that he was still in his sack!! 😍😍😍😍
(I then asked Jason to snap a few quick photos, as we had a photographer coming but we knew she wouldn’t make it.)
I thought I’d keep pushing but then realised I needed to breathe and relax.
“We’ve got this little man”
I said freaking proudly as I relaxed and waited for the next surge.
This was the moment I felt no pain and completely calm.
It was absolute heaven.
And everything I ever wanted. (I really wanted to free birth this time around)
And then ahhh, one push and he was out.
Our bundle of love wrapped in his own little sack.
I pulled him up and pulled the cord from around his neck and gently tore the sack off his face at the same time.
He was purple and still asleep!
He was amazing.
So calm and just perfect.
I blew on his face to try and wake him up as our previous babies were also born sleeping, which did frightened us.
But I wasn’t scared at all, I knew he had this.
He was our strong big boy!
He then scrunched up his nose and we knew everything was okay.
“Cmon little man, cry for us” Jason said to him and not long after that, he let out a little whinge.
Just a little one to let us know he was okay.
Absolutely amazing! So proud of us.
2:55am and then the midwife arrived at 3:20am. 😂
Once our midwife arrived, she helped me & our wee man out of the pool. Tama was still attached to his beautiful placenta, so she assisted us with the cutting of the cord.
She also helped me shower, she made our bed, cleaned up and just helped us get comfy with our beautiful 9.8lb baby boy.
I couldn’t sleep, my partner had a few hours rest. Our two baby girls were asleep in the room next to us and eventually the awoke and come out to meet their baby brother.
My god! What an amazing experience, having all of us in the same area and not having to leave. Just being in our own beautiful bubble of love.
It was incredible!
This was my third labour and the most empowering and amazing experience. I actually said to myself hours after his birth, I want to do that again! 💕