Thank you for being here and thank you for allowing me to be a part of such a special journey of yours. My passion for birth and how transformational it truly can be is thanks to my babies & my husband.
My boys, made me mama
My Angel baby Gigi Rose who I sadly had to let go of at 16 week gestation, intensified just how much of a blessing being one is, and my husband Ty, my high school sweetheart has shown me how life should be lived. Always encouraging me to chase my dreams.
It’s been a journey. Being a mama that is. Which I won’t go into now as there are snippets of each of my babies experiences through out Birth Book, in the hope to empower you.
But fu#k It’s been wild, challenging, heartbreaking, ever changing, beautiful, and so powerful.
With so many lessons, lessons that i am extremely grateful for, because without them I wouldn’t be here now.
Sharing Birth Book with the world
Encouraging you to enquire into your very own positive birth, where you can walk away feeling PROUD because you birthed the birth book way.
With belief. With trust. With instinct
Where you hold no expectations on yourself, where you invite magic into your space and where you trust the process but of course always … ALWAYS surrender the result!
Your birth it belongs TO YOU.
And I am with you every breath of the way.
Justine Zappa